A Visit on a Snowy Day to Split Rock State Park


This gallery contains 2 photos.

A couple of images from the visit..

A Quiet Cove in Winter

Although Lake Superior was in turmoil, this cove was serene and peaceful. Image was captured at Split Rock State Park.

December Rain and a Muddy Waterfall


Gooseberry Falls

In twenty-four hours, the weather in northern Minnesota went from warm and foggy, to an overnight thunder storm and then a snowstorm the next morning. Very strange weather for us in December but, it did make the north shore rivers and stream more interesting.

Not My A-Game Today


I was halfway through my day of photography when I noticed that I was shooting in manual mode. Not that this is a bad thing, it’s just that I thought I was auto focusing, which I wasn’t, and I missed focus on about half my shots.

This would have been a much better composition had it been in focus.

Exploring Negative Space

While on a recent hike along the shore of Lake Superior, I saw a sky and lake worth capturing with the idea of using negative space to illustrate the the vastness of Lake Superior. The clouds added an extra dimension to the surface of the lake, with the distant lighthouse added for scale. Cropping gave the image a painterly look.

Sony RX100 Mk5

Lines and Shapes

When I passed this location, I stopped, moved back and forth knowing there was a composition to be captured. I finally opted for a viewpoint that showed a jumble of lines and shapes. Also, I think the two posts in front create a bit of tension but, they do then lead the eye into the image to discover the other shapes.