Bubble Gallery

A few more from my stay at home photo projects.  So far, the biggest issue I am having is to get the lighting just right.  But, as these images show, the effort is worth it.

Bubbles on the Brain

Photographing bubbles has been on my bucket list for quite some time.  A few days ago my order of glycerine arrived and I mixed up a batch of soap and went to work.  I’m still working on the lighting, but am pleased with the results so far.  Looking forward to perfecting my setup as I go.


A Little Fresh Air

I’ve been cooped up a bit too long between staying home and my time working at our local food co-op, time to go outside and hug a tree.  And grab a photo or two.


Sunset colors above the St. Louis River as it flows through jay Cooke State Park.

Working Within

Although I am able to still work during these trying times, I am not getting out and running around much to practice my photography.  Like so many other photographers I am finding ways to be creative at home.  In this instance, a wilting tulip leaf provided some inspiration.
