Nothing Lasts Forever


This gallery contains 6 photos.

Tettegouche State Park lies along the north shore of Lake Superior and is known for its hiking, camping and the arch. I visited the park in 2006 and paddled my kayak under the arch. Sadly, in 2010, the arch portion … Continue reading

After A Cold Day



After a cold day on the road, it’s nice to find a warm place to rest. Spotting the motel sign advertising hot water heat sounded perfect! Sadly, the motel no longer exists and I had to move on.

It Was So Cold…

This past Thursday, Feb. 3, I had to take a trip to west central Minnesota. When I left Duluth, the temp was -17F. As I traveled west, the thermometer in my car started reading even colder temps, with the lowest reading at -32F. The cold, dense air created a thermal inversion which blocked warmer air from rising. This effect was best illustrated by the smoke from wood fired boilers rising about 30-40 feet above ground and stopping as though it had hit an invisible ceiling. If you were to travel further north, you could have experienced even lower temps, some lower than -40F.

The Light at Two Harbors


Out at the end of a long and very icy pier, surrounded by very cold water and sea smoke is the light that guides ships from Lake Superior to the ore docks in Two Harbors, Minnesota.

Just Being There


I’ve found that when taking a day to bum around with my camera, that it’s important to occasionally stop, take a break and absorb the incredible beauty I live so close to. On a day such as this, I was gifted with many photo ops, but also with awe inspiring scenes to take home as memories. I truly am lucky to live where I do and cherish every moment I get to spend visiting locations, not only along the shore of Lake Superior, but also the forests and rivers in the area.

An Exercise in Framing


I couldn’t resist how nicely the tree in the center was framed by the branches above and the ice covered shrubs below. Add a moody sky and light shining on the water and, in my eye, a wonderful composition.

Managing a Thorny Situation


Nothing is safe when the waves come crashing off Lake Superior. If it’s in the “spray zone” it’s going to be coated in ice.