Feeling Blue


It’s feels good to be posting new work, I’ve been hampered by tech issues lately.  My primary computer, a seven year old MacBook Pro is making my life difficult and I am having to resort to my even older, eleven year old Mac Pro.  The good news is, after I receive two more components, I can start assembling a new PC.  I’m building a system that will not only provide more than enough power for photo editing, but also be able to chew through 4K video like a hot knife through butter.

Why is the bridge blue? Duluth’s Aerial Lift Bridge and Enger Tower will be lit teal throughout the weekend to raise awareness about ovarian cancer. It’s all part of the Light Duluth Teal weekend put on by the Minnesota Ovarian Cancer Alliance.

Lost At Sea




As I worked on this image I found myself almost getting a little seasick.  The churning, roiling water, the light and dark spaces, it brings up one of my greatest fears…drowning.

More of my work can be seen at Northern Visions Media.

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