Running From the Smoke

One last image before I seek cleaner air. The smoke was getting to be too much for me to handle, checked the air quality index and it was an unhealthy 158. Believe it or not, this is not the worst we’ve had lately, we were over 200 this past week. In many places out west if’s even worse.

Forest Fires and Burning Skies

Another from a smoky morning on Stoney Point along the shore of Lake Superior. It was difficult to work with the low air quality and I began to get a headache and scratchy throat making this one of the last images I captured before heading home.

Adding Color

Like many places in the U.S., northern Minnesota is experiencing forest fires. Depending on the wind direction, Duluth may have nice, clear air or heavy smoke from the fires. On this morning the smoke was blowing down the lake toward Duluth providing us with unhealthy air quality. The upside to the smoke is beautiful sunrises and sunsets.

On the Rocks


After a long absence from my blog, I am finally getting back out to create some new images. I will make no excuses for my absence, it’s just how life has been of late. After all, I sure life has been a bit strange for all of us.

I find this image to be a bit of a jumble, not quite sure where to enter the image, The large rocks at the bottom are one option, the bright white is another, you may find your own way in.