American Spirit


After another long absence from my blog, I’m back! During the last several months I have been busy preparing for an extended summer vacation. That involved seeking out and purchasing a travel trailer and then modifying it to meet my needs. The most challenging part was adding 400 watts of solar panels and a 3000 watt inverter. Fortunately, the trailer came with a 50 watt panel so I had existing wiring to work with. I removed the 50 watt panel and added four 100 watt panels which are charging two 100ah lithium batteries. Although I will usually be staying in places with electric hook-ups, it’s nice to know I can be off grid if needed.

This upcoming trip will be three weeks of driving to Acadia National Park in Maine via Canada. There will be a stop in Michigan to see the Pictured Rocks, three nights on Mantoulin Island and three days in Montreal. After spending five days in the Acadia area, there will a stop in Portland Maine, a visit to Mount Washington and surrounding area, a brief visit to Niagara Falls, then north through Michigan and back home to Duluth via the UP of Michigan.

Starting July16th, you are invited to travel along as I document the journey with photos and video. Photos will be on this blog and videos will be available on my YouTube channel. A link will be provided as soon as I post the first video.