About Northern Visions Media

This blog is an extension of my work in the media arts and is the manifestation of a vision that is part of my life in northern Minnesota.  Although each place I’ve lived has offered its own unique photographic possibilities, living in northern Minnesota, with its seasonal changes, Lake Superior, the forests and vast acres of water, both still and flowing, inspires me on a moment to moment basis.  It is a fantastic world in which to wander with a camera and eyes wide open.

Give me a camera, or two, or three, (I usually carry at least two, often three or four, as each has different capabilities), and I will entertain myself for hours and hours. I will will spend endless more hours in post production after a long day of shooting, always looking for what I may not have seen in the field, or perhaps thought I saw and captured it for later analysis. Often my mind sees what my eyes miss, only to be discovered in post.
Sometimes that is the “Seeing Beyond Seeing”.

You can visit my business website to view additional galleries.  You will also find links to my video work on the Contact page.

  • Note:
    Photographs in this blog are copyrighted and owned by me, David W Jensen. Any reproduction, modification, transfer, or use of any of the content, for personal or commercial use, whether in whole or in part, without permission from the artist is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
    If you are interested in purchasing a print, please visit my website at http://www.northernvisionsmedia.com or email me.

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